Welcome to pycbg's documentation! ================================= This module helps configuring MPM simulations for `CB-Geo MPM `_, using a simple python script to generate the required input files (see :ref:`Preprocessing`). The results of the simulation can also be imported in python using pycbg (see :ref:`Postprocessing`). This documentation should be used alongside `CB-Geo MPM documentation `_. .. Preprocessing: ---- Preprocessing ============= Preprocessing a simulation for CB-Geo MPM consists in creating several input files: - a mesh file, where the positions of all nodes and their interconnections are described. Pycbg saves it under the name `mesh.msh`. Can be created using the :py:class:`Mesh` class. - a particles file, where the initial positions of all material points are specified. Pycbg saves it under the name `particles.txt`. Can be created using the :py:class:`Particles` class. - an entity sets file (if entity sets are defined), where all entity sets are defined using entities' ids. An entity can be a node, a particle or a cell. Pycbg saves it under the name `entity_sets.txt`. Can be created using the :py:class:`EntitySets` class. Instantiating the :py:class:`Simulation` class involves creating :py:class:`Mesh`, :py:class:`Particles`, :py:class:`Materials` and :py:class:`EntitySets` objects and should be enough to prepare a simulation. Classes overview ---------------- .. currentmodule:: pycbg.preprocessing .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :recursive: :template: custom-class-template.rst :toctree: stubs Mesh Particles EntitySets Materials Simulation ---- Postprocessing ============== While CB-Geo MPM outputs results in a number of files being often generated at each save iteration, the :py:class:`ResultsReader` is provided for a seamless processing of those data. .. currentmodule:: pycbg.postprocessing .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :recursive: :template: custom-class-template.rst :toctree: stubs ResultsReader ---- Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`